Making jams and jellies can take hours and hours of prep and cooking time, not to mention the equipment you will need: canning pots, jars, lids, sugar and quarts and quarts of berries. It can take a whole day out of your family life to just wash and squash, then cook and can. What if, in just a few minutes, you could whip up a batch of strawberry jam that is packed full of vitamins, minerals, omega-3’s, and protein? Yes, protein. Well, you can use any of the Freeze Dried Fruit, like Strawberry Slices, Blueberries, or Raspberries, all available through our site. The best part of this recipe is that YOU can control the amount of sugar that you add so that the family isn’t over doing it on sweets. This recipe goes great with our Peanut Butter recipe made with Peanut Flour, also available on our site. These recipes are great for the younger family members to get started learning how to make, use and enjoy home storage and prepping.
Quick and Easy Strawberry Jam
Prepping ExpertAuthorJudith has over 30 years experience in food storage, herbs, essential oils, and prepping. She was a captain in the USAF-AUX, FEMA trained, Community Emergency Response Team member and NRA marksmanship award recipient. She shares her experiences with her readers offering tips and recipes. Disclosure
The information shared is our personal opinion and should NEVER be considered a substitute for professional medical, nutritional, or other expert advice. Information contained is not for the purposes of diagnosing, or treating any disease or medical condition. Any endorsement of products should not be considered an un-biased review since we are paid and compensated when you purchase products from this site.
March 2024